
[tminus t="11-04-2015 08:25:00" id="countdown" style="hoth" width="500" hours="hrs" minutes="mins" seconds="secs" omitweeks="true"/]


Wyatt will be taking part in the Race Across Italy endurance cycle race on the 11th April. His start time is 8:25AM UK time. The race covers 500 miles in a maximum time limit of 42 hours. Wyatt has raised over £1,500 for Cancer Research UK already - but you can still donate by clicking on the link above. You can follow his progress in the race as follows:

Live Tracking

Track Wyatt's progress


How to track:

Wyatt will be fitted with a tracking device supplied by the RAI organisers. The tracking system uses Microsoft Silverlight software - which is unfortunately not compatible with the popular Google Chrome web browser. So, if you use Google Chrome for the web, you may have extra work at Step 1 below. How to track:

1) Using Windows Explorer or Mozilla Firefox open this webpage: http://tractalis.com/live/raceacrossitaly2015/

2) You will be asked to download a file called Silverlight.exe - please do this

3) Run the Silverlight.exe file. This file may run automatically or you may have to double click on this file in your downloads folder

4) You should now be good to view Wyatt's progress - which should look similar to the image above.



Live Camera Feed

Watch Wyatt in action

How to watch:

We have teamed up with Bambuser - tech wizards offering live broadcasting from your mobile phone - to stream a live video of Wyatt during the race.

Simply watch above (the live stream will begin when the race begins!!) or follow this link to view Wyatt's latest broadcast: http://bambuser.com/channel/WyattVW

Please be aware that the live streaming is coming from a mobile device using a typical mobile phone signal. Therefore, streaming may be lost in remote areas. But nothing ventured - nothing gained.

A big thank you to Bambuser for being a great partner. Check out what Bambuser can offer you by clicking on their logo below.
